May 26


The Key Role of Video Marketing

Video and advertising go hand in hand. A marketing strategy without video can do some serious damage in impacting your marketing results. With the rise of technology and the digitalization of the globe, videos have become rather crucial elements that determine the success of your advertising efforts. Moreover, let’s not forget how convenient and easy it has become to create videos. Advertisers can easily create some of the most professional and engaging videos with the luxury of sitting at home, without even hiring a professional photographer.

Along with the factor of ultimate convenience, videos are also very versatile, aesthetically pleasing, and shareable. This thus persuades many individuals across the internet to watch more and more videos. A study done by Diode Digital suggests that online videos are 600% more efficient advertising tools than any other form of content.

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The role of video advertising is very comprehensive. Nonetheless, it aims to make your marketing efforts worth it. With an efficient video advertising strategy, and, of course, a decent video maker tool, you have the ability to grow your business successfully. Here are some of the primary benefits of video marketing that’ll help you understand why you should be shifting your attention towards video, now more than ever.

1. Consumers Prefer Video Content over Other Forms of Content 

Consumers are more inclined toward watching videos than textual content. Videos are much more pleasing to the human eye as they offer a visual representation of your brand. In a survey conducted by Hubspot, about 54% of customers said they’d rather view videos than read emails.

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Consumers wait to see intriguing and aesthetically-pleasing content on their feeds. And thus, videos work exceptionally to truly capture the attention of your viewers. Thus, you should never underestimate the efficiency of a video.

2. Videos Impact Your Online Visibility 

Videos are great for boosting your online visibility. Being able to stand out in the marketplace is highly important and gaining enough online visibility gives you a chance to showcase a very unique side of your brand. Online visibility is extremely crucial as it determines if you have a lot of viewers on your website.

Moreover, online visibility highly matters as it allows you to make some serious conversions. Creating videos with a top-notch video editor can help you showcase a very engaging and aesthetically-pleasing side of your brand, which can, in turn, boost your online visibility.

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3. Videos Educate Your Viewers on Your Brand

About 90% of marketers suggest that videos play a crucial role in educating customers on products and services. Advertisers today are more inclined toward creating videos as a means of explaining their products and services to their customers. You thus have the opportunity of showcasing your product in a way that helps customers understand the product better.

To make a pitch or sell products, marketers need to sound very convincing. Videos help marketers sound just the right amount convincing and not very pushy.

4. Videos Help Businesses Stay Competitive 

A recent report by Hubspot suggested that about 81% of businesses are utilizing videos in their marketing strategy. Videos work exceptionally well for conveying all sorts of messages to your audience.

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Moreover, they do so without having to spend too much money. A short, creative, and informative explainer video is all you really need when trying to display your brand in front of your customers. Videos allow you to master the art of storytelling and there’s no better way of trying to gain the attention of your viewers than by storytelling. This way, brands have a real chance at competing in an ever-challenging marketplace.

5. Videos Enhance the Trust Factor Among Your Customers 

One of the most prominent and worthwhile benefits of videos is that they allow you to gain a sense of trust among your customers. In the industry of digital marketing, brands are striving hard to create content that speaks to their audience. With so much content to consume all over the internet, your brand is bound to get lost. If you want to ensure that your customers keep following your brand and what it has to offer, you need to gain their trust. Videos are the perfect solution for this.

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Instagram stories and small Facebook videos work well for offering very personal glimpses of your brand to your customers. When you showcase a very personal side of your brand, your customers will be able to relate more to your brand and will thus be able to empathize with it. The appealing thing about videos is that they are great when trying to promote your brand without sounding too salesy. Building trust is undeniably the foundation for generating sales and converting leads. Thus, you don’t want to lose out on how effective videos really are.

6. Videos Boost Revenues 

This is unquestionably one of the most appealing benefits of videos. About 90% of customers suggest that a video helped them decide on whether or not they should buy a specific product. A report by Wyzowl suggests that about 74% of individuals that view a product video or an explainer video end up buying the product. Such statistics are enough to understand just how efficient videos are when it comes to boosting revenues.

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Moreover, let’s not forget that videos keep the audience on your website for much longer and this itself is great for conversions.

Bottom Line 

By now, you must have understood just how powerful and relevant videos have become in today’s digitalized world. With the right strategy and extensive research, you can create videos that are no less than perfect. Moreover, thanks to the evolution of technology, you can come across a wide range of tools to enhance the quality of your video. If you’re considering incorporating video into your marketing model, make sure to do some research and pick the right video editor so that your efforts don’t go in vain.

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