May 29


How to Beat Stress: Simple Exercises for Entrepreneurs

Correspondence with a conflicting client, a cash gap, an approaching loan payment, and competition in the market are examples of stress factors that an entrepreneur may encounter. However, work situations aren’t the only cause of stress, and they are often supplemented by domestic problems. Plan your day in such a way that you do not only work. That’s why psychologists advise adding rest to your schedule not only at the end of the week but also at the level of the day: for example, during your lunch break, you can go for a walk, work out, play entertaining games at the Hellspin Casino, read your favorite book, or listen to a podcast.  So it’s safe to say that stress is present in everyone’s life, and it’s important to be able to deal with it both in the moment and over the long haul. The good thing is that there are plenty of simple ways to support your nervous system.

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What to Do if You’re Feeling Stressed Right Now

If you feel the symptoms of stress coming on (your heart is racing, your hands or knees are shaking, or your head is foggy), the following three express methods can help you calm down quickly and regain control.

Take a Deep Breath

When stressed, people start to fidget and stop thinking clearly. This leads to mistakes and makes the stressful situation worse. For example, you may make irrational decisions or avoid doing anything at all. To avoid making a mess, take a minute and breathe properly. Surprisingly, breathing evenly is enough to allow your brain to solve problems objectively, flexibly, and even creatively.

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Make a new habit: inhale for five seconds, hold your breath, and exhale through your nose. The effect of this exercise is similar to a 90-minute yoga class, but it takes only three minutes at your desk. Try it right after a stressful phone call or bad news.

Enlist Support

Research in psychology and neurobiology shows: having a heart-to-heart talk and sharing emotions with someone you trust can help reduce stress, strengthen your immune system, and reduce physical and emotional malaise.


A trusted friend, family member, or good-natured coworker will probably be only too happy to support you and help you fight stress because they care about your productivity and well-being. If you’re shy about sharing your fears or anxieties, remember that at work, we are surrounded by people who may be just as stressed as we are. Besides emotional support, they may share specific practical advice or help with the division of labor, or they may offer to help you and relieve a little pressure.

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Stay in the Moment

To avoid thinking about exactly how the cause of your stress is going to hurt you, try focusing on your next step. In other words, on the step in front of you, rather than the whole staircase at once. Determine what you can do right now to change your attitude to what is happening and resolve the situation and get rid of the stress. The main thing isn’t to fly mentally into the dark future and not to aggravate. Thinking soberly is the main task at a moment of stress.

How to Change Your Attitude to Stress at Work

Everyone can train stress resistance so that it’s easier to experience moments of excitement. To do this, change your negative attitudes and habits. Here are a few methods on how to do this.

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Monitor Your Stressors

Take 20-30 minutes before bed to think about what situations during the day caused you stress and how you reacted to them.


If you’ve been feeling stressed lately, try writing down your anxieties in a journal. Even a week or two of note-taking can help you better understand what thoughts, feelings, or people are bothering you the most. And how you reacted to them: for example, you couldn’t help yourself and raised your voice, or you took a breath and let go.

Practice Mindfulness

Meditation, breathing exercises, and deep concentration won’t only help you avoid giving in to bad thoughts but will also prevent bad habits, like eating or drinking away stress. Conscious people experience less stress because they have better control over their feelings and know how to calm a disturbed mind.

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You can start by focusing on a simple activity each day and giving it your full attention, like breathing, taking a walk, or eating a meal. With practice, the skill of focusing on a single activity without distraction will become stronger, and you will find that you can apply it to many different aspects of your life.

Set Boundaries

Define for yourself where and when your work ends. To do this, separate it from your personal life. For example, don’t check emails from home in the evening or answer your phone while you’re eating dinner.


The ability to cope with stress in the moment and in life in general can and should be practiced. Our psychological resilience is based on several principles: mindfulness, rest, and discipline. By practicing each of these, you will be able to respond to stress more intelligently, and it will no longer affect you as much. This doesn’t mean you’ll avoid stressful situations from now on, but you’ll build up enough armor to respond to them healthily and with a cool head.

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