May 30


How Much Cost Does it Take to Make an App Like Snapchat?

Online communication is playing a vital role in our day-to-day lives. Whether you want to share your official document with your business partner or share funny videos with your friends, you can all do it with great ease. All thanks to apps like Snapchat, Whatsapp, or Line that make online communication more comfortable without any unnecessary ticks through a social network page.

If you also want to have your own app, the biggest question arises that how much multimedia messaging app development cost? Along with famous apps like Snapchat, there are so many clone apps that also come into the market with good features, but it is hard to evaluate the mobile app development cost estimated for developing any kind of multimedia messaging app.

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So, here to help you in this, we mention the estimated multimedia messaging app development cost along with the measures that you should consider while analyzing your app cost. This blog will help you in making a good estimation of your app development cost.

Major Factors for Evaluating Multimedia Messaging App Development Cost

Development Team

The first thing that you have to consider is the development team. The location of the development team matters while evaluating apps like Snapchat’s development cost. For example, if you pick a team from Western Europe or the US, the cost will range from $60 to $200 per hour.

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However, if you hire a team from Eastern Europe, they will also give you the best app and the price is about $25-50 per hour, which is more affordable than in the US. Also, if you want to build a complex app, you need to hire a big development team.

The functionality of the App

Calculating the multimedia messaging app development cost is just like predicting the cost to create a house. The type of applications determines the first cost and that price rises as you continue on adding new features to your app. The application has got high-level and there are so many features that bring the enterprises to your app. The more highlights you add to the application the more expensive its cost will be.

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It is worth mentioning here that if you add advanced features to your app, your app will get more popularity but also bring a rise in your budget. So, evaluating your budget first is the key point.

Dedication about your app

It is the most important point by which you can estimate your budget. It is important to know how delicately you want to develop your app. If you want to have an app that has plenty of features like Snapchat and also contains more additional unique features, you require a big budget to blow. Although it may be costly to develop a fully functional app, once you launch it in the market, it will be a huge success that will help you in attaining all your business goals.

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Your Targeted App Platform

This is the fundamental point that you determine before starting your development process. It’s understandable to assume that if you require your app to be extensively used, you necessitate launching your app on more than one platform, particularly on the most popular ones – iOS and Android.

If you want to launch your app on both platforms, it is good to involve the new technology in your app – the Cross-Platform. By using cross-platform, you are able to make your app available on both platforms with less time and cost as in this technology, you just have to write a single code base for both. This technology is extensively used nowadays.

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It is good to make your app look attractive and appealing to gain the user’s attention. The more you build your UI UX design strong and unique, the more users will love to use your app. However, developing an appealing app will increase the multimedia messaging app development cost.  Also, keep in thought that not only the functionality but the platform type can affect the cost of app designing. So evaluate them according to your needs so that you don’t have to suffer it at the end of the app development process.

Estimated Total Cost

Considering all the above factors, the estimated cost of an app like Snapchat development is around $45,000 to $60,000. However, we always say that it’s all up to your app needs and requirements. You are only able to get the exact price of app development when you first analyze your app needs and then move ahead. The cost also varies from country to country like:

  • United State (US): $150 – $210000
  • Eastern State: $50 – $70000
  • India: $40 – $55000
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So, now I hope you know the right way to know the multimedia messaging app development cost of your app. It is a great chance to get your own messaging app as its rising need in the market and people’s lives will make your app popular and most used. If you also build an app similar to Snapchat, you are required to imagine and operate innovatively so that users favor your app to reach their communication requirements.


In this blog, we are going to discuss at what cost you are able to build your own multimedia messaging app like Snapchat. You cannot get the exact cost of developing an app. It is required to analyze your app requirement first so that you know what functionalities you need to add to your application. After that, Hiring A Mobile App Development Team also plays a vital role in estimating the app’s development cost.

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It is very beneficial to develop a multimedia messaging app to make your brand touch the heights of success. It is the most trending thing in this tech-oriented industry. Having an app like Snapchat brings a lot of responsibility that contains the enjoyment and satisfaction of users. You must have to fulfill all these demands so that they love your app and use it for their day-to-day communication with their friends, colleagues, family members, and more.

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