April 1


“7 Tips to Craft a Killer Blog Post Title That Ranks High on Google and Attracts Readers”


Blogging is an excellent way of expressing your creativity, sharing your experiences, and educating others. However, without an attractive and compelling title, your blog post may not receive the attention it deserves, even if you have excellent content. A killer blog post title should rank high on Google, attract readers, and incite them to click and read your content. Here are seven tips to craft a killer blog post title that meets these goals.

1. Be Clear and Concise:

Your blog title should be clear, concise, and descriptive of your content. It should convey the essence of your blog post and entice readers to click and read your content. Keep your title to around 60 characters, as Google usually shows only 50–60 characters of a title tag. Also, avoid using ambiguous or vague words that can confuse or mislead readers. For example, “The Ultimate Guide to Blogging” is a vague title, and “5 Tips to Write Engaging Blog Posts” is a clear and concise title.

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2. Use Numbers and Lists:

Using numbers and lists in your blog post title can increase your click-through rate (CTR) significantly. Readers love posts that promise a specific number of tips, reasons, or tricks, etc. Numbers and lists make your content look well-organized and easy to read, which attracts readers. For example, “10 Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging Right Now” or “27 Secrets of Effective Bloggers.”

3. Address a Problem or Question:

Most readers search for solutions to their problems or answers to their questions when looking for blog posts. Therefore, addressing a problem or question in your blog post title can increase your CTR and attract readers interested in your content. For instance, “How to Write Catchy Blog Post Titles that Attract Readers” or “5 Common Blogging Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Blog.”

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4. Use Power Words:

Power words are words that evoke strong emotions and interest in readers. Using power words in your title can make your content more appealing and enticing to readers. For example, “The Ultimate Guide to Boost Your Blog Traffic” or “10 Secrets to Writing Compelling Blog Posts that Sell.” Some popular power words include: Ultimate, Effective, Amazing, Proven, Secrets, and Why.

5. Focus on Long-Tail Keywords:

Long-tail keywords are longer phrases that are more specific to your content than generic keywords. Using long-tail keywords in your title can help your post rank higher on Google and attract targeted readers. For example, instead of “Blogging Tips,” use “5 Surprising Blogging Tips for Beginners.” You can also use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest to identify long-tail keywords related to your content.

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6. Test Your Title:

Testing your title before publishing your blog post can help you gauge its effectiveness and fine-tune it accordingly. You can use tools like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer or HubSpot’s Blog Idea Generator to analyze your title’s overall quality, emotional impact, and readability. These tools provide suggestions for improving your title and help you craft a killer blog post title that ranks high on Google and attracts readers.

7. Be Creative and Original:

Lastly, your blog post title should be creative and original, reflecting your unique voice and point of view. Avoid copying or plagiarizing other bloggers’ titles, as it can harm your reputation and credibility. Instead, focus on being inventive and innovative in your titles, incorporating puns, wordplays, or alliterations whenever appropriate. For example, “From Zero to Blogging Hero: How I Built a Thriving Blog” or “Blogger’s Block: Overcoming Writing Slumps with these Tricks.”

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Q1. Why is a killer blog post title important?

A1. A killer blog post title is important because it ranks high on Google, attracts readers, and incites them to click and read your content. Without an attractive and compelling title, your blog post may not receive the attention it deserves, even if you have excellent content.

Q2. How long should a blog post title be?

A2. A blog post title should be around 60 characters long, as Google usually shows only 50-60 characters of a title tag. However, it can vary depending on your topic, audience, and goals.

Q3. How can I make my blog post title more compelling?

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A3. You can make your blog post title more compelling by using numbers and lists, addressing a problem or question, using power words, focusing on long-tail keywords, testing your title, and being creative and original.

Q4. Can I use clickbait titles for my blog posts?

A4. No, you should not use clickbait titles for your blog posts, as they mislead and disappoint readers, harm your credibility, and can result in a penalty from Google.

Q5. How can I test my blog post title?

A5. You can test your blog post title using tools like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer or HubSpot’s Blog Idea Generator. These tools analyze your title’s overall quality, emotional impact, and readability and provide suggestions for improving it.

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Q6. How important are long-tail keywords for my blog post title?

A6. Long-tail keywords are crucial for your blog post title as they attract targeted readers, increase your CTR, and help your post rank higher on Google. You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest to identify long-tail keywords related to your content.

Q7. Can I use emoji in my blog post title?

A7. Yes, you can use emoji in your blog post title, but use them sparingly and appropriately, as they can look unprofessional or gimmicky if overused.


Crafting a killer blog post title is essential for your blogging success. It should rank high on Google, attract readers, and incite them to click and read your content. By following these seven tips, you can create compelling and attractive titles that increase your CTR and engage your audience. Remember to be clear and concise, use numbers and lists, address a problem or question, use power words, focus on long-tail keywords, test your title, and be creative and original. Don’t forget to add a human touch to your title and include a mandatory call-to-action, motivating your readers to share your content and engage with your blog.

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