March 2


“5 Proven Guidelines for Writing Titles that Win Google Search and Capture Readers’ Attention”


Are you struggling to get your blog posts noticed by Google search algorithms and your target audience? If yes, then you need to start focusing on crafting titles that win Google search and capture readers’ attention.

Gone are the days where you could stuff low-quality keywords into a title and get significant traffic to your website. The search engines have become too advanced for such tactics.

However, writing a good title goes beyond SEO tactics. The title serves as the backbone of your post. It is the first thing readers notice when they come across your blog post. If it’s not compelling enough, you risk losing a potential reader who could have converted into a loyal subscriber.

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In this comprehensive post, we will delve into 5 proven guidelines you can follow to write magnificent blog post titles that will win Google search and capture readers’ attention.

Section 1: Grab readers’ attention with a problem

It’s easier to grab readers’ attention when you start your title with a problem or a question. Even better if you can identify a pain point that your target audience is facing. For instance, if you’re a therapist, writing a post titled “Feeling Anxious? Here are 5 Tips to Calm Your Nerves” will get more traction than “Tips for Reducing Anxiety.”

By addressing a problem in your title, you create a sense of urgency in your readers’ minds. The reader feels compelled to read your post to find a solution.

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Transition Words – In addition, Furthermore, Besides, Additionally

Section 2: Use Numbers and Lists

Numbers trigger an emotional response in our brains. This information is backed by neuroscience and studies conducted by Hubspot. Posts with numbers get 73% more shares than titles without them. A listicle type of post lets your readers know exactly what they’re getting into. For example, “10 Productivity Hacks Every Entrepreneur Should Know” or “5 Tools to Improve Your Writing Skills Overnight.”

Lists also make your post scannable. People tend to skim through posts before deciding whether to read them. A list allows them to see the highlights and decide whether or not to read on.

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Transition Words – Furthermore, Similarly, In Addition

Section 3: Include Powerful Adjectives

Adjectives are descriptive words that help your readers visualize what they’ll gain from reading your post. They create a sense of potency and urgency in your readers’ minds. For instance, “Killer Strategies for Massive Growth” sounds more alluring than “Tips for Growing Your Business.”

The Reader can quickly decide whether or not your post is what they’re looking for. Strong and compelling adjectives can convince the reader to click and read.

Transition Words – Moreover, However, Therefore

Section 4: Highlight Benefits

People are more interested in what they stand to gain than anything. Highlighting benefits in your titles is a surefire way to captivate readers’ attention. For example, “10 Foods that Boost Immunity and Help You Fight Off Diseases” highlights the benefits the reader will get. It’s more compelling than “Foods that Boost Immunity.”

READ MORE:  "7 Expert Tips to Create a Captivating Blog Post Title That Ranks High on Google Search"

Benefits orientate your readers and address their needs. People want to know what’s in it for them before making a commitment to read your post.

Transition Words – Firstly, Secondly, Lastly

Section 5: Use a Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

FOMO is a psychological phenomenon that propels people to action because they don’t want to miss out on something. Creating a sense of urgency can help your titles stand out. For example, “5 Secrets to Landing Your Dream Job Before the Competition” creates a sense of urgency and the risk of missing out on one’s life goals.

Creating a title with an element of FOMO puts you on the fast lane on the road to conversion. Readers are more likely to engage with and share content that showcases an opportunity to learn something unique.

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Transition Words – In Contrast, However, Nevertheless

Section 6: Keep it Short and Sweet

The Internet has change-shifted attention spans. On average, people have an attention span of 8 seconds. However, this can vary depending on the complexity of information. A title that’s too long and complex will easily lose the reader’s attention.

Keep your title between 50 to 65 characters in length. This length is Google-friendly, and your readers won’t be intimidated by too many words. A good tip is to come up with multiple titles with different lengths and narrow down to the one that feels most concise and at the same time delivers what your post contains.

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Transition Words – Additionally, As a result, Consequently

Section 7: Test and Evolve

Creating blog titles is an iterative process. You should test different titles to gauge what resonates best with your audience. The audience will change as you grow your blog writing skills’ abilities and research different topics. Create two different headlines for a blog post and test how each one fairs with audience engagement on social media and bounce rates.

Don’t be afraid to evolve and experiment with your titles. As your writing style changes, you might find a title that you used a few months ago does not work as well today. Take time to test the effectiveness of your headline, doing so over time can yield better results for optimal read-through and conversion rates.

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Transition Words – Alternatively, Furthermore, In conclusion,


Q: Are titles critical to SEO?

A: Yes, titles play a significant role in SEO. They provide the search engine with an idea of what the content is about and what keywords to look for when indexing the page.

Q: How long should a title be?

A: A good title should be between 50 to 65 characters. Google can display up to 70 characters for a title, but preserving the 50 to 65 character range is optimal.

Q: How can I identify good adjectives for my titles?

A: Identifying great Adjectives for your titles involves understanding your brand and audience fully. Your website’s voice will determine what kind of Adjectives you use in your content. Who your target audience is, what they want will provide the groundwork to create a compelling title.

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Q: Should I use the same title for all my blog posts?

A: No, each blog post is different, and your titles should reflect this difference. The title should be consistent with the content of the post and unique enough to stand out from the competition.

Q: How do I know if my title has FOMO elements?

A: A truly effective FOMO headline requires three elements: Urgency, Benefit, and exclusivity. You should include fear that readers may miss out on an opportunity to learn or benefit from your post if they don’t read it.

Q: Do I have to use all the guidelines in my titles?

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A: No, you can use the ones that feel most authentic to your brand and resonate best with your audience. Don’t try to incorporate all of them at once, as this can seem artificial and negatively affect your titles’ readability.

Q: Can I update my post title after I’ve published my post?

A: Yes, you can change your post title. However, this should only be done after considering the SEO impact and the effect on your readers. If your post has already gained traction in search results, you risk losing the backlinks and organic traffic already flowing to your post.


Writing great titles involves understanding your audience, being creative, and adopting SEO best practices. A compelling title can improve your organic traffic, engagement, and conversion rates. However, crafting great titles is an iterative process that takes time and effort.

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Use the five proven guidelines discussed in this post: grab readers’ attention with a problem, use numbers and lists, include powerful adjectives, highlight benefits, and use a fear of missing out (FOMO). Remember to keep your titles short and sweet, test and evolve your titles, and consider the FAQs when creating them.

Incorporate these strategies as part of your writing routine, and you’ll see a boost in your website’s traffic and engagement levels. Lastly, craft your post titles to reflect your genuine writing voice and your brand’s image.

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