March 29


Tips for selecting the right amazon marketing agency

Amazon has proved to be one of the most important companies. Many people worldwide are partnering with Amazon to sell their products and services. The popularity of Amazon has even increased because of the COVID-19 pandemic.


But what does it take to succeed with Amazon?


Selling on Amazon goes beyond setting up a company page. Hiring an Amazon agency is an excellent way of promoting your products on Amazon. You won’t make any sales if no one is aware of your products and services. But with an Amazon marketing agency, you can quickly rise in search rankings and attract more customers.

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Why choose an Amazon marketing agency?


Unlike an Amazon FBA agency that mainly deals with fulfilling orders, Amazon marketing agencies do a more thorough and holistic job. They ensure that your products can easily be searched and found on Amazon.


Below are tips to choosing the right Amazon Marketing Agency:


  1. Track record


Before choosing a marketing agency, you need to find out their experience in marketing products on Amazon. You can’t hire a new company without any Amazon marketing experience and expect better results.


Talk to the company and ask them to show you their track record. For how long have they been in business? How many customers do they have? What is their success rate? Answering some of these questions will help you know if the marketing agency is right for you or not.

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  1. They understand how Amazon works


Amazon is not like any other e-commerce platform. It is vast and complicated. Anyone without experience in using it can get confused. However, there are specific terms such as FBA (Fulfilment by Amazon), Seller-Fulfilled Prime (SFP) and many others that you must understand to transact successfully.


As such, you should choose a company that is well versed with such terms. They must demonstrate their ability to navigate the Amazon platform with ease. For example, hiring a company not familiar with Amazon won’t help your business.



  1. Customer service


Excellent customer service should be one of the first things you should consider when choosing an Amazon marketing agency. It is easy to know whether a company has good or bad customer service right when you approach them.

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Amazon gives more attention to its customers instead of sellers within the platform. That’s is why you need a marketing agency that can fill this role. Most customers expect a quick response when they have issues with your products or services.


  1. Understand the needs of your business


It is not just enough to hire an Amazon marketing agency. Before starting your search for a marketing agency, the first thing should be to understand the needs of your business. For example, if your goal is to improve search rankings, then you should go for a marketing an

Amazon agency that focuses on SEO. It is crucial to ask the agency what they specialize in before closing a deal.

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  1. The right tools


One way to distinguish imposters from professionals in marketing is to find out the type of tools they use. For example, how does the agency manage the accounts of its clients? What tools do they use to measure results? How do they conduct their marketing research?


If a company has invested in modern and effective tools, then it is a sign that they are serious about what they are doing. So you can ask them to do a demonstration with some of the tools to be sure they are telling the truth.


  1. Set your price


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Don’t sign an agreement with a marketing agency without knowing how much they will charge you. It is good to shortlist a few agencies and compare their prices. This will make it easy for you to choose a reliable company that offers excellent services at reasonable prices. Your prospective marketing agency should also keep you updated in case of any prices changes in the future.


In a nutshell, selling on Amazon is not a walk in the park. While you can do it independently, achieving maximum results is minimal. Instead, you need a credible Amazon agency to help market your products on the platform.

author name :- Flavia

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