July 27


4 Top Reasons Why Security Guard Software Is Worth The Money

Running a security guard company is not everyone’s cup of tea. It requires experience and knowledge of the latest technological advancements to ensure proper surveillance and possible threats. Once you know what kind of danger is out there, the preventive measures are streamlined.


Lately, simply physical guards aren’t enough to manage the security infringements. You need technological support to guide your watchmen when patrolling and report any criminal escape routes and methods. The security guard software allows guards to create reports about the emergencies they face.


Security is tightened with an advanced tracking system using geolocation, GPS tracking, and checkpoint completion. Using cameras on important corners and areas often frequented by outsiders with suspicious or criminal intent allows officials or managers to question them. The software helps assign duties to the guards and manage them using the guard tracking system.

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Easy reportage of an incident by security guards with just one click helps keep a record of past offenders for future reference. Even minor slippages can lead to big problems or losses. The use of real-time reporting keeps all users alert and on their heels.

Read ahead to know why security guard software is worth the money.

  • Provides an all-in-one solution

Yes, you heard it right! You don’t have to hire a team of security guards, technology experts and other service providers and pay them separately. Security guard software provides an all-in-one solution to all the requirements for your facility’s protection. It manages the physical guards on duty, assigns them tasks and assesses their activities, creates reports, logs incidents and their resolution time for future reference, records past video footage, and much more.

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Incident reporting and communication between you and your client is made simpler as a simple message can get the ball rolling. You don’t have to hire a team separately to make reports; the security software does all that for you at one price.

  • Better guard performance

The security guard patrol software helps tighten a facility’s surveillance by providing an incident reporting feature. A security guard software can allow guards to create reports about the emergencies, risks and dangers they face.


The subscriber may take safety actions to safeguard their guards by providing them with the required safety equipment. During emergencies, the users patrolling the facility can also push the panic button on their system and alert the police for added assistance.

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So the software also gives scope for performance improvement, user satisfaction and safety.

  • Deals with property-related issues

Incident reporting isn’t limited to burglary, theft or vandalism. For most new entrepreneurs dealing with precious items, the property is pre-owned and can have other tenants. Although a businessman may own the property and avail of security services, they don’t necessarily use the property all the time. In most cases, the security guards must deal with the property owner’s tenants or guests for bad behavior or illegal parking.


A security guard software records if someone creates problems for the guards during their shifts. The guards can notify the security company owner, who in turn can create reports and send them to the property owners. These reports can act as evidence against the property owner/s and help with court proceedings if a case is filed for non-compliance against them.

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  • Creates reports for client

A security guard software can come to use for the most time-consuming task i.e. creation of reports for clients before billing. Report of a subscriber lists all site incidents, defaulters and all other important information that your client may require. And the best part is that it’s all included in your subscription!



If you’re looking for an efficient way to run your security company, research about the top software or application in your location of interest for guaranteed success!



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