July 27


How To Keep Your Dog Safe from Parvo

Have you ever wondered about how to keep your dog safe from parvo? Parvo is a dangerous virus that can kill dogs if left untreated. It’s also very contagious, so it’s essential to know how to prevent your dog from getting it in the first place.

In this article, we’ll discuss parvo and how it spreads (hint: it’s not just dogs!). We’ll also discuss what you can do as a pet owner to protect your beloved pooch and keep them safe from this deadly illness.


What Is Parvo?


Parvo is a contagious and deadly virus that affects dogs and other canines. It’s most commonly seen in puppies, but it can make itself at home in any dog who hasn’t been vaccinated or has had the disease before. Parvovirus is transmitted through bodily fluids from one infected animal to another, which makes it particularly scary for those who own multiple dogs or share space with other animals.

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Parvo is a common cause of death in puppies because their immune systems are not yet strong enough to fight off the infection on their own. If left untreated, parvo will usually kill them within seven days of exposure to the virus (or sooner). There are three types of parvovirus – type 1 causes intestinal damage, type 2 attacks bone marrow, and type 3 causes central nervous system issues like seizures or paralysis.


How Do Dogs Catch Parvo?


The virus that causes parvo is highly contagious and can be spread through contact with infected feces or vomit. The most common transmission mode is when a dog eats food or water contaminated by waste products from an infected animal (human or animal). It can happen if you let your dog eat garbage or if someone allows their pet to use your yard as a toilet.

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However, the virus can also be transmitted through the air if it gets on clothing, shoes, bedding, or any other items taken into homes where other dogs live. Parvo is highly contagious among dogs; just one carrier can infect every healthy dog in a typical household within ten days.


What Are the Symptoms of Parvo?


You can look for several symptoms to tell if your dog has parvo. The first thing to know is that the virus causes vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration in dogs. If your pet is vomiting or has diarrhea, they may have contracted parvovirus. Although some dogs may only have mild symptoms when contracting this disease, others can become very ill within two days of exposure to the virus.

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The most common symptom of this illness is vomiting followed by diarrhea and lethargy or sleeping more than usual to conserve energy expended on keeping food down and fighting off infection. Some dogs will even become comatose due to dehydration due to constant vomiting and diarrhea, which contains high levels of stomach acid.


Because there are many other causes behind these same symptoms, like another virus called coronavirus, bacterial infections such as colibacillosis (also known as infectious enteritis), or worms such as giardia lamblia. It’s important not to jump the gun and assume everything points back towards parvovirus until after all other possibilities have been ruled out first.

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Can You Prevent Your Dog from Getting Parvo?


To prevent your dog from getting parvo, keeping them away from other dogs is essential. If you think your dog may have been exposed, take them to the vet immediately for a diagnosis and treatment plan. The only way you can know for sure if your dog has been exposed is by having them tested.


If you want to protect your pet from this virus or any other disease that could cause illness or death, the best thing you can do is vaccinate them against common viruses like parvo. It will help prevent them from contracting diseases like this in the future, so be sure to talk with your veterinarian about which vaccines are suitable for your pet.

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Also, a healthy dog is better off beating parvo because of solid immunity. Therefore, ensure that you are on top of your dog’s health by providing quality food, good supplements, and other preventive medications, which you can find on an online store like PetCareRx.


What Should You Do If Your Dog Has Parvo?


The most important thing you can do is get your dog to the vet as soon as possible. The sooner parvo is diagnosed and treated, the better.


Once at the vet’s office, they will likely administer IV fluids and antibiotics to support your dog’s immune system. It may be uncomfortable for them, but it will help keep them healthy and happy. Suppose your dog is vomiting or suffering from diarrhea (often accompanied by severe dehydration). In that case, they may need additional treatment such as an anti-nausea medication and IV fluids at home until everything clears up.

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If all goes well, your pup will make a full recovery after about ten days, but it isn’t always that easy. Keep in mind that even with treatment, some dogs won’t survive parvo or other types of intestinal infections due to complications caused by the disease itself (such as liver failure). Always talk with your veterinarian if you have concerns about whether or not this could happen with your pet. They’ll be able to give you an honest assessment based on their experience treating animals with similar symptoms.


Prevention is Better Than Cure


A vaccine is the safest way to prevent your dog from contracting parvo. The American Kennel Club recommends that all dogs receive their first immunization between the ages of six and eight weeks, with a booster shot at 12 to 16 weeks. You should give the second dose three weeks after the initial vaccination, and another booster shot should be administered one year later.

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There’s no doubt that parvo is a severe disease, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. With proper care and treatment, dogs can fully recover from this potentially fatal illness. You can also help keep them safe from contracting parvo in the first place by taking steps like getting your dog vaccinated against it or avoiding activities that may put your pet at risk for exposure (like visiting public parks).

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